Rick Bopp – Advertising Designer and Illustrator
Raised and educated in Minnesota, Rick worked for several Midwest ad agencies before linking up with The Ramsey Advertising Agency. He was first employed in Ceder Rapids, Iowa as an art director with CMF&Z and was on board when they were acquired by Y&R. Within that time frame his design work for the Des Moines Register’s Oddball” Campaign in Ad Age won First Place in the International Trade Advertising Campaign Competition and also won Best of Show in the 1978 Cedar Rapids Addy Awards.
Rick’s most recent work is displayed here on our portfolio page with a sampling of the point of purchase promotional designs utilized in Texaco’s (now ChevronTexaco) Caribbean, Central and South American markets.
Rick brings more than 28 years experience to bear as a graphic communicator and illustrator in executing your work – whether it be logo design, print ads, direct mail, point of purchase or literature of all sorts.




Point of Purchase Signs

Special Items